更新时间:2024-12-04 10:57:56
多重荧光免疫组织/细胞化学检测试剂盒,简称多色试剂盒。该试剂盒包含mIHC/mIF实验所需的相关试剂,包括脱蜡修复二合一溶液,过氧化物酶封闭缓冲液,Polymer酶标二抗,荧光标记的Tyramide(酪胺), Tyramide 稀释液,抗淬灭DAPI封片二合一溶液和抗体剥离液。
检测原理:基于酪酰胺信号放大(TSA,Tyramide signal amplification)技术,实现同一张切片的多指标分析,从点到面,呈现全景分析。如原位展示,定量分析;空间关系展示,区分细胞亚群;靶点和微环境同时分析;多靶点自由组合,不受一抗种属来源限制。
Fluorescence multiplex immunohistochemical analysis of normal human appendix tissue (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded section).The section was incubated in 3 rounds of staining; in the order of CK PAN .( Catalog no:YM6815 1/200 dilution), PD-1.(Catalog no: YM6208 1/200 dilution), Caldesmon pan. (Catalog no:YM6826 1/200 dilution),each using a separate fluorescent tyramide signal amplification system : Treble-Fluorescence immunohistochemical mouse/rabbit kit Catalog NO: RS0035 (pH9.0)
Fluorescence multiplex immunohistochemical analysis of Human tonsil tissue (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded section). The immunostaining was performed by Pentuple-Fluorescence kit (RS0038, Immunoway). CK-pan mouse mAb(YM6815 Immunoway) green, Ki-67 rabbit mAb(YM7002 Immunoway) red, Iba 1 mouse mAb(YM4765 Immunoway) purple,CD8 a mouse mAb(YM4815 Immunoway) cyan, CD20 mouse mAb(YM4814 Immunoway) yellow, The section was incubated in 5 rounds of staining; sequentially for Anti-antibodies; each using a separate fluorescent tyramide signal amplification system. EDTA based antigen retrieval (Immunoway YS0004, pH 9.0, 20 minutes) was used in between rounds of tyramide signal amplification to remove the antibody from the previous round, to avoid any cross-reactivity. DAPI (dark blue) was used as a nuclear counter stain. Microscopy and pseudocoloring of individual dyes was performed using a Slideviewer Imaging System (Excilone).
Fluorescence multiplex immunohistochemical analysis of Mouse brain tissue (formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded section). The immunostaining was performed by Sextuple-Fluorescence kit (RS0039, Immunoway). GFAP mouse mAb(YM4426 Immunoway) green, S100 mouse mAb(YM6987 Immunoway) cyan,Neurofilament mouse mAb(YM6897 Immunoway) purple,Iba 1 mouse mAb(YM4765 Immunoway) red,CD8 a mouse mAb(YM4815 Immunoway) yellow, The section was incubated in 5 rounds of staining; sequentially for Anti-antibodies; each using a separate fluorescent tyramide signal amplification system. EDTA based antigen retrieval (Immunoway YS0004, pH 9.0, 20 minutes) was used in between rounds of tyramide signal amplification to remove the antibody from the previous round, to avoid any cross-reactivity. DAPI (dark blue) was used as a nuclear counter stain. Microscopy and pseudocoloring of individual dyes was performed using a Slideviewer Imaging System (Excilone).
货号 | 名称 | 规格 |
RS0035 | 鼠兔三标四色荧光检测试剂盒 | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0036 | 鼠兔双标三色荧光检测试剂盒 | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0037 | 鼠兔四标五色荧光检测试剂盒 | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0038 | 鼠兔五标六色荧光检测试剂盒 | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0039 | 鼠兔六标七色荧光检测试剂盒 | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0068 | 鼠兔三标四色荧光检测试剂盒(温和型) | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0069 | 鼠兔双标三色荧光检测试剂盒(温和型) | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0070 | 鼠兔四标五色荧光检测试剂盒(温和型) | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0071 | 鼠兔五标六色荧光检测试剂盒(温和型) | 1mL;2mL;5mL |
RS0072 | 鼠兔六标七色荧光检测试剂盒(温和型) | 1mL;2mL;5mL |